007 MP3 Agent is a program that will let you extract audio tracks from CDs and convert them to MP3 or WAV.
The program has a very intuitive interface, though not very attractive one. Thus, due to its intuitive interface the application is very easy to use. Just load a CD into your CD-Rom, open the program, it will read your CD and enlist its audio tracks. You will be able to choose one, several, or all tracks to be extracted, choose the output format. If you want your tracks to be extracted and then compressed to MP3 format, you will be able to adjust the bitrate of the output file, compression mode, and audio quality. Then click on the start button, and you will be offered to define the destination folder, and the output file name (by default, the names of the output files remain the same as tracks names). In a very short period of time you will receive you favorite music stored on your PC in MP3 format. If you want to exctract audio tracks to WAV format, you will need just to choose the format, define the destination folder, and the output file name. There are no other adjusted parameters when extracting audio tracks to WAV.
Extraction to both formats is a very fast process, and the quality of output files is just excellent. All in all, the program is effective and great; it's a pity it is not free.